
My name is Scott Dannemiller.  Several years ago, my wife Gabby and I quit our corporate careers to spend a year doing mission and volunteer work.  We learned a lot about God’s world and our place in it while living with a Mayan family in Southwestern Guatemala.

Now we’re back in the states, two kids later, trying to keep the flame of service burning.  I’m a self-employed corporate trainer guy who travels the country talking to people about how to think better, communicate more effectively, and eliminate the general “jerkiness” that plagues our society.  Gabby keeps the house running, works a flexible job as a project manager, and keeps our kids, Jake (9) and Audrey (7), from killing each other (with kindness, of course).  We’ve been known to take on goofy challenges like our Year without a Purchase to try and reconnect with what’s important.  (For what it’s worth, our book about the experience is available via Amazon and Barnes & Noble, shipping in August 2015 via WJK Press).  We know… dripping with irony.

family shot

As a family, our mission statement is this:

“To tirelessly seek God’s will by living lives of integrity, owning what we have, growing in faith together, and serving all God’s people to build a world without need.” 

Sometimes we succeed.  Sometimes we stink.  But the important thing is that we keep on trying.

44 responses to “About

  1. Christi Faragalli

    Keep it up. What a great devotional this could be…A slice of life, with a serving of scripture on top. I think you are on to something here…keep the blessings coming and folks will come back for seconds!

    • Thanks, sis! Great idea, the whole devotional thing. Maybe that’s why mom sent me the email telling me to “watch my language.” She doesn’t want any curse words ending up in any book that also features the Savior of the World. For that reason, I will now use the Webster’s Dictionary definition for any curse word I wish to insert into a post. Ex: “Donkey, used for carrying heavy loads,” or “excrement, often smelly.” Love, Scott

  2. Scott (& Gabby),

    Thanks for adding the URL to your Christmas newsletter! You now have a new follower. Oh, hang on, I’ve been doing that for about 6 or 7 years already….

  3. Marianne

    You totally had me hooked at “…Toenails in your Hair”. You’re a fabulous writer and you totally have a new follower. Bring on the book, bring on the book, bring on the book!

  4. Enjoyed you blog about the number 7! Haha! I love that you guys dropped everything to go into missions. I grew up an MK and my heart is to work in missions. So far, God hasn’t led there, but the dream is always there. It’s great to see people just go and do. Blessings!

  5. Hello Dannemiller Family – I really enjoyed your school blog post, and recently subscribed! What a blessing… to live what you write…and be in alignment as well as an inspiration. If you have a minute (you may since school has started 🙂 – please stop by our blog.

  6. Elita @ Busy Needle Quilting

    I’m here thanks to a friend sharing your latest post (One Thing Christians Should Stop Saying) on FB and very glad I stopped by. You have a great sense of humour and so much of what I’ve read resonances with what I’m trying to do in my own life & with my kids. And you share a birthday with both my dad & my daughter. How could I not stalk you in the nicest possible way? 🙂


  7. sharon charles

    Interesting. But for me, God has blessed me over the years. Everything I have comes from him or through him. I don’t believe in coincidences or luck. I do agree that we must always ask God to give us opportunities to be used to share what we know with others, and to serve and love others. For me, God blessed me with a home, children, a job that I truly loved to do and had a retirement plan so I could retire. I am blessed that I am content where he placed me in life (I am by no means rich, but I have enough to pay my bills and do some things that I like) For me – I give God credit for everything I have, because without him I would be nothing, in this world or the next. For me, a smile or hug from someone is a blessing and I pray each day to be a blessing to others. For me, answered prayer is a blessing. For me, if one is grateful or thankful that is the same as being blessed. As long as God gets the credit for all I have I guess it doesn’t matter what word is used, except when people use the word “blessed”, it is recognized by other Christians and great conversations and friendships can ensue. Grace to you.

  8. Scott,
    I see your heart to run after God.

    I recognize your desire “to figure it out”.

    I just read your current post about claiming “blessing”. While I agree with some of what you say {based on Scripture I agree … NOT based in opinion}, I think you should reconsider the “dumb luck” statement.

    God’s plan for our lives includes every detail … every hair on our head. There is no “luck” in God’s plan. We may stray the course, but the bigger plan is always in place.

    That means if we feel blessed because He has put us into a place – even with a thing – to be able to bless others then we should most definitely give Him the praise. Part of that praise comes from our mouths.

    With all due respect and love, “luck” is a ride along buddy to “karma”. Neither of which is of God.

    Live blessed,

  9. Angela Zimmann

    Scott (and Gabby and family), at the end of June our family will return from 18 mos. as missionaries in Jerusalem. Your words encourage. Thank you.

  10. Charlie

    You are an inspiration for us all and a breath of fresh air in a world that has generated so much physical, mental and spiritual pollution. Pax et bonum.

  11. How did you and your wife develop your mission statement? Do you both mind if I adopt it as well …… or use it as the basis for deveoping my own?
    Martha B

  12. Karen

    I just read “The One Thing Christians Should Stop Saying” and want to thank you for so succinctly explaining that Christians are not superior to others; nor are we necessarily superiorly blessed. Every one of “us” and “them” are blessed in some way. On our best days, we can discern what pleases God, and that is what we do. On our worst days, we stray. There are so many days that fall in between, where and when “stuff” just happens. When we pray and our prayers are answered as we desire, we believe it is because we prayed. When we pray and the opposite occurs, we beat ourselves up for not praying long enough and hard enough. And what about all the times when our being blessed means that others are being hurt?

    A couple of years ago I was laid off from my job. Several months later I was still unemployed. I saw my family physician for a blood pressure check one day, and she told me that she needed someone to work the front desk at her office. She immediately hired me and was ecstatic that God had “led” me to her. This, in her mind, was “”God’s will,” and she convinced me for a moment that she was right. Her office was chaotic, and patients were at times not treated humanely or honestly at times. I discovered that the doctor was greedy beyond anything I could have imagined. This was just a job, not determined or willed by God for me. After two weeks, the doctor and I agreed that “it just wasn’t working out.” I told this story to a recently unemployed friend who believes that she’ll find the job that God wills her to have. Although I respect her faith, I think it is dangerous to believe that God pushes aside our ability to make decisions. Countless actions are not inherently wrong. They may be wrong for us, and we may even be able to make them right by praying for strength, patience, wisdom, etc. God “allowed” me to be sucked in by my doctor-employer. That doesn’t mean that either He OR I fell down on the job!

    God is with me every step I take. He guides me, but He doesn’t MAKE me do anything in particular. There is great and Godly beauty in the birth and heartbreak in the death of a baby. God holds us, keeps us, loves us through the blessings as well as the tragedies. He allows us to be human, and I am grateful for that.

  13. Brooke Mueller

    I have a few thoughts that I would like to share with you before making them public out of concern for constructive collaboration without being argumentative, is there an email where you accept emails from those who read your posts?

  14. Hello. I just wanted to say that I somehow stumbled upon your blog earlier this week and have now read every post. I wanted to thank you for sharing all this with the world. It’s really helped me to re-examine my life and my faith.

  15. Tricia K

    Just saw your writing through a friend’s post & wondering if you’re related to the Dannemillers of Bay Village OH, Jack, Jean, Dave & Pete?I grew up going to church & school with Dave and you do look like you’re related! Just curious. Looking forward to reading your blog.

    • Hey Tricia! There’s a good chance we’re related. My dad was one of twelve kids and grew up in the Akron/Stow area of Ohio. There aren’t a lot of Dannemillers in the world, so it’s probably a long-lost cousin.
      Thanks for reading!

  16. Jerri

    I didn’t know families needed mission statements, but creating one together would be a great activity. Thank you.

  17. Loved your Huffington Post article that led me here. I am the mom of 3 boys, working part time as a Children’s Ministry Director at a Presbyterian church. We live in a school district where the kids play chess during free choice and every day I wonder if I’m messing up by not giving my boys the “opportunities” they “need”. But…then we try one of those opportunities, and it is a lot like the piano lesson situation you talked about. Just with a long day of school, and regular commitments, they are maxed out and need time to play, and time to let down their guard so their emotions can catch up. Anyway, you’ve got another follower!

  18. Victoria Campbell

    Your post about society miss using the word “blessed” was a home run for me. I’ve actually been thinking about that word for the past few weeks and it always comes up in random spurts. I believe that God used your post to clear up what the word “blessed” really means. It has challenged me to look further into it and see what else God reveals to me. I look forward to meeting you in eternity, brother! Thank you for taking your time to share the wisdom that the Holy Spirit places on you heart.

  19. Sandra

    like the previous comment- thank you for your post on ‘blessed’- in our family we call it ‘christian-ese’ – thank you for your encouraging & insightful posts- the laughs are great too! God continue to do great things!

  20. Nora Stewart

    I recently read your article about people saying “I feel blessed” and I just wanted to say how much I appreciated it. I have made the same argent many times, explaining to people that more money and a nicer car doesn’t mean your blessed. I don’t necessarily claim to be Christian. I don’t particularly claim to be anything else either. I live by a simple philosophy of doing my best to be a good person, raising my kids Well and helping others when I can. That being said, I would also like to state that Matthew is my favorite book of the Bible.

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